Wednesday, April 6, 2011

YOU CAN'T MISS: Unusable Stock Photos and Royal Wedding Buttons

Being the first week back from Spring Break, I thought I'd share some humor with all of you. Check out this list of 60 unusable stock photos. There are some pretty great ones on there (Like this dog with a doughnut on his head). I challenge you to try to use one on a design this year.

As much as I don't care about the hoopla surrounding the royal wedding (seriously, I saw a magazine on the news stand the other day completely dedicated to it), I couldn't resisting posting about button design. Did anyone else have one of those cool sets as a kid where you could make your own buttons? Maybs I used mine to run for Student Council... I don't know. Anyway, some of these buttons are pretty cool and are worth checking out, no matter how much you hate the royal wedding.

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