Tuesday, April 19, 2011

RESPONSE: Portfolio Design (mini and online)

All of my spare time this week has been put into working on my portfolio site. I really want to get it completely done in the next few days because I feel like it's a necessity when applying for jobs. I took two web design classes at Mizzou, but my coding is a little bit rusty. It's been fun getting back into it, but it's also been very frustrating. I finally caved and bought a domain name (www.joe-bradley.com) and hosting space this week, rather than hosting on bengal space, which I think would expire when I graduate anyway.

I'd really like my online portfolio, resume and mini portfolio to have a similar look. That's why I've decided (for now) on a notebook page look. I think having that consistency in design is really important in branding yourself. In some ways creating an online portfolio is easier because you have somewhat unlimited space. You don't have to print out all of those designs. I'd also like to include my writing, multimedia and web design work on my portfolio site. That's pretty difficult to do in print. Screen shots really don't do it justice. Plus, no one wants to see pages and pages of text from a story in a mini portfolio. That's going to need some creativity.

Next week, I'll post some screen shots from my (hopefully finished) website.

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