Tuesday, April 19, 2011

CRITIQUE: Modern Midwest

Modern Midwest is finally winding down and this is pretty close to a final draft. I think it's draft number eight or nine now. It's definitely undergone some overhauls, but I think it got better with each draft, which is obviously the goal. The most recent change to this opening spread was the headline treatment, after I got this new headline from the publishers. I tried to make it similar to the Back to the Future logo. Also, we put an image of the food on the opening spread to show why it's not your traditioanl BBQ. I put the photo on the left to provide some variety, since most of our features start with a full-bleed photo on the left.  

We added a section about backyard games to this spread to help explain the photos somewhat and add to the party vibe. I also made the photos and the drinks more prominent.

We added the sidebar about Top Summer songs, one to fill space, but two to give the reader another break on their eyes and provide some fun content. I also moved the fridge photo up to provide some depth to it.

This department spread has remained fairly consistent, but there have been a few changes for the better. Mainly, I had to work with providing some dominance to the photos an helping the reader know where to look first. Originally, the right side had three same-size horizontal photos. I also added the photo of the sever so that we had at least one person in the photos. Finally, I did a cutout of the art museum to make my page more consistent with our other department pages. 

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