Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I had already planned on finding a site with the top LEGO designs to go along with my LEGO themed spread, but as luck would have it, the Media Unbeige blog I follow also posted about LEGOs this week.  Apparently, LEGO is releasing the Farnsworth House Set as the 10th model in the LEGO Architecture Series. I had no idea LEGO had an architecture series, but that's pretty awesome. I always thought the castle and pirate ships I built as a kid were pretty cool, but re-creating Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water? Now that's cool.

Of course though, I also had to go out and find the best LEGO designs out there. I really wish I still had a bucket of legos sitting around my house. I feel like not only do they help get the creative thoughts flowing, they'd also be a great stress reliever. The site I found with the top 10 LEGO designs, also linked to 20 album covers recreated with LEGOs (like the Beatles Abbey Road on the right!)

Below are some other cool LEGO designs from the site. I have no idea how they made the engine actually work... that's impressive. It's a bit like taking our print pages and putting them into Mag+.

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