Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CRITIQUE: Flyer Design!

This is a flyer I designed this week for the Newman Volunteer Corps fundraiser for a library project for victims of human trafficking. The Newman Volunteer Corps is a group of students and resident parishioners of the St. Thomas More Newman Center on campus who plan the service, social justice and education events for the parish. I serve as the Technology Director for NVC and since we couldn't find an Advertising Chair, those duties usually fall to me too. So, I've spent most of my week working on the advertising for this fundraiser.  It presented some challenges in that I had to also think of the theme for the event before I could start designing. I started with "Dining for Dollars" (clever, I know), then went to "Dining for Brighter Futures" before coming up with "Light Up the Night," which I really liked because of the symbolism behind it. 

I wanted to hype up the dinner theater aspect of the event with the design. I feel like a lot of people want to support a good cause, but they don't necessarily care what that cause is. Plus, I think this organization is fairly obscure, so making their name and logo huge wasn't going to help bring people in. While the topic is obviously serious, I wanted to make the flyer kind of fun and inviting. We've had some trouble attracting people to our events in the past, so I wanted to reach as many audiences as possible. Let me know what you think. Also, you should come to the event! We have over 8 musical and dance acts lined up and a great dinner. AND it's only $12 for students!       

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