Yesterday, I went into the Vox office to make a last minute switch-a-roo on the careers splash page. My original draft (featured at the top) was designed based on one of the cover ideas I had come up. However, as pointed out later, it kind of lost the classifieds look to it. It had clip art, typical to what you would find in a classifieds page, but the decks for the stories didn't look like they belonged. I was struggling with how to make it look like a classifieds page, but without having to include so many words to fit in the smaller columns. I debated using the leads from the stories, but ultimately I ended up just designing all of the story teasers to look the same (not shown above).
Tuesday afternoon I got an e-mail saying the editors wanted me to overhaul the design. Honestly, it was the last thing in the world i wanted to do at that minute. I had already spent much of my weekend working on it, and when I stopped in on Monday to check on the pages, there were no design changes. I also hadn't slept in about 35+ hours... But, such is the magazine world. I got a small taste of what newspaper designers must have gone through Sunday night with the Osama bin Laden news. And overall, I think the second draft looks a lot cleaner. We actually ended up using a pdf from a Missourian classifieds page, which isn't shown here. I'm glad the editors gave me the opportunity to revise my work, rather than than throwing something together themselves that I couldn't use in my portfolio.
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