Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hi all — Welcome to my blog, "Did you improve on the design?" The title comes from Lupe Fiasco's Superstar. I really like the next lyric "Did you do something new?" as well, but I thought that would be an obnoxiously long title.

I'm a senior magazine journalism student (obviously) from Omaha, NE. I've spent the last three and a half years focused on design with internships, freelance work and various other jobs. However, recently I've grown to love narrative writing, so I'm not sure which way I'd like to go with all that after graduation in May.

Some things I enjoy are golf, photography, attending Mizzou athletic events, concerts, movies, service work and travel. I'm currently employed by Big Brothers Big Sisters in Columbia through the AmeriCorps program. It gives me the opportunity to meet with seven awesome little brothers every week at their schools. I wish I could create a Twitter account of the things these kids say... they constantly make me laugh. I also work for Sports Direct Inc. writing college football and basketball recaps and previews.

Hopefully this semester I'll be able to provide some insightful and entertaining commentary on the world of design as well as critique both my work and classmates' work. Since we all have to read each other's blogs, I'll try to make it worth your time as best I can.  

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